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Get Your Car Ready for Fall
August 21, 2019
Seasonal changes can be hard on your car if it isn’t prepared. Temperature changes can affect the internal components of your vehicle, so it’s important to perform routine checks throughout the year. The change in weather also means your car’s traction will be put to the test, with slick or muddy roads. A little car maintenance will keep your vehicle ready for the change of weather as fall approaches and the weather starts to cool off.
Get Your Car Ready for Fall with These Tips:
Check the Oil
Engine oil is vital to your car’s functioning, so make sure to check this frequently. It’s a good time to check the oil when the season changes. First, check the oil level. If the dipstick shows a low oil level, it may be because of an oil leak, or because your engine is burning oil. Both of these issues should be addressed immediately.
If the oil level is fine, you should still check for the oil’s condition. Fresh oil should be yellowish or amber in color. A dark brown color means it’s time to change the oil. You may also want to check the oil by touch, to see if it feels gritty. Grittiness indicates something in the engine is wearing down.
Check Fluid Levels and Replace Fluids
Colder weather can affect your fluid levels. If the temperature gets low enough, fluids can even freeze, though in most areas that’s not likely in fall. Power steering fluid keeps your car easy to control, which is important at any time of year. Brake fluid keeps the hydraulics on your car smooth. It can get diluted by water, which is bad news for your brakes. Coolant prevents your car from overheating and should be checked only when the car has had time to cool down. If you try to check it while hot, it can splatter out and burn you.
Transmission fluid cools off the transmission and keeps it lubricated. Some transmissions require fluid level checks to be done by a professional. Windshield washer fluid keeps the wipers running, which is important for rainy fall days. To maintain it, just add more fluid into the reservoir. It doesn’t need to be replaced.
Use a dipstick to check the levels of various fluids, and if they are running low, make sure they are replaced by a fluid type that’s compatible with your car. In general, your car’s fluids should all be transparent. If they look cloudy, it’s time for fluid replacement. Consider local car repair shops in Denver to check your fluid levels easily and efficiently.
Check Tire Pressure
Temperature changes lower and raises the pressure in your tires. Tires can lose one to two pounds of tire pressure for every degree that drops. Heat, on the other hand, can expand your tires and increase the pressure. The weather during fall can be erratic, so keep an eye on your tire pressure for safe driving. Tire pressure that is either too low or too high can decrease traction and put a strain on the tires, decreasing their lifespan. Before you check the pressure, make sure that your tires are cold, not warm from driving.
Put Floor Mats Back In
If your car doesn’t already have floor mats, this is the perfect time to add them. Fall brings rain and mud, not to mention wet leaves that stick to your shoes. To keep your floors clean even with all of this working against you, it’s best to put in floor mats that are weather-resistant. Removable mats are much easier to clean than the carpeting installed in your car.
Contact Our Service Department
For a professional inspection of your import vehicle, contact Paddock Imports in Denver. Our skilled team can take care of any concern, from routine maintenance to problems with the engine, electrical system, and more. Stay safe on the roads, even as the seasons change.